The cooling water hose for hot applications

immuG KÜHLWASSER Expert was specially developed for use on blast furnaces. It is optionally electrically conductive or insulating. The hose transports cooling water from a wide temperature range and is protected from slag and metal splashes on the outside by heat protection coating.

  • In the standard version without steel spiral, the hose is ideally suited for connecting swiveling connections and is offered with FL loose flanges as standard.
  • Optionally, the hose is protected by a flame retardant rubber cover.
  • Thanks to an additional steel wire spiral, the immuG KÜHLWASSER Expert SD is dimensionally stable in suction applications and can be laid in a fixed position.

Hose connection
  • loose flanges, fixed flanges
Structure / Properties
core EPDM, black, optionally electrically conductive
with R < 10⁶ Ω or insulating
reinforcement polyester cord additional steel wire spiral
cover Silicate fabric coating, glass fabric coating
or flame retardant ceiling over glass fabric inlay
bending radius approx. 10 x inner diameter approx. 5-6 x inner diameter
conveyor type pressure hose suction pressure hose
medium temperature -30 °C to +100 °C, short-term +120 °C
radiation heat - with flame retardant cover over glass fabric: short-term up to 300 °C
- with glass fabric coating: up to 260 °C, short-term up to 600 °C
- with silicate fabric coating: up to 550 °C
safety factor burst pressure >= 3 x nominal pressure

Technical data
inner Ø nominal pressure PN max. length
[mm] [bar, rel.] [m]
65 10 20
80 10 20
100 10 20
125 10 20
150 10 20
200 10 20
300 10 20

Other dimensions on request.